Friday, March 18, 2011

Expresso Beans Anyone?

Hi Phoebe, I have not forgotten that I owe you some expresso beans. You have been very patient and hopefully you believe in better late than never, right? ; )

The other two thumbs are for the next painting that I am going to start. It's about figs on a branch, don't ask me why, it's just an idea I haven't been able to let go of.


  1. These are totally delightful Naomi! Yes, I believe better late than never and the coffee beans look perfect for dipping in chocolate. They will be tested out AFTER I complete some decent thumbs to post.
    Your thumbs have a very nice graphic design element to them. Looking forward to seeing the painting when you do it.

  2. They look delicious. Perhaps I should try some, too. I've just had a coffee and I'm very sure to be up very late this night O;-)

  3. Lovely work, the detail in these are really nice.
